

  • 6
  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:有限责任公司
  • 公司地址: 浙江省 宁波 鄞州区 宁波市鄞州区姜山镇奉先桥村
  • 姓名: 彭女士
  • 认证: 手机未认证 身份证未认证 微信未绑定


    Precision forging换季大优惠,各种规格任君挑选!!

  • 所属行业:五金
  • 发布日期:2020-01-02
  • 阅读量:154
  • 价格:100.00 元/个 起
  • 产品规格:不限
  • 产品数量:不限
  • 包装说明:不详
  • 发货地址:浙江宁波鄞州区  
  • 关键词:冷挤压

    Precision forging换季大优惠,各种规格任君挑选!!详细内容

    宁波德晟电器有限公司(以下简称“宁波德晟”),位于宁波市鄞州区姜山镇奉先桥村。放眼未来,宁波德晟将继续秉承“创新求变”的发展理念,以核心的技术来创造优质的Precision forgingx5760n服务,为打造“精湛的、受人尊敬的单向器服务商”而努力奋斗!

    产品的基本参数 详细说明:Due to cyclic mechanical loading and sliding contact between work material and tool surface, the active surfaces of the tool are successively damaged. The destruction of the tool will sooner or later lead to quality problems on the formed parts (out of tolerance or bad surface qualities). The tool has then to be exchanged (total failure), reground or refurbished in some way.This maintenance procedure means production standstill and accordingly loss of productivity. It is therefore very important that the tools can resist the different types of tool failure mechanisms in order to achieve high productivity and economical production. The selection of the right tool steel is thus directly linked to the resistance of the actual tool failure mechanism for the application.Cold Extrusion The proper steel selection for the application depends primarily on the work materials type, strength, thickness and workpiece geometry. The most critical failure mechanisms are adhesive wear, galling, cracking, abrasive wear and plastic deformation. In cold extrusion a punch applies a pressure to a slug of metal and causes it to flow in a controlled manner in the required direction. 产品类别:冷挤压 产品价格:100 产品所属行业:五金、设备、工业制品 产品功能: 产品生产者:宁波德晟 产品购买地址:宁波市鄞州区姜山镇奉先桥村 产品购买网址:/pro.aspx?FId=n3:3:3

    众所周知,宁波德晟电器有限公司是集五金冷打、锻造齿轮、齿轮锻造、Cold extrusion于一体,经过多年磨剑,宁波德晟拥有一支专业的设计、生产队伍,为此吸纳了大量客户。宁波德晟效率高、质量好、价格合理、服务周到,欢迎客户光临指导、来电咨询:,我们将不断地开拓、创新,真诚期待着与您的合作,让我们共创辉煌!
    欢迎来到宁波德晟电器有限公司网站, 具体地址是浙江省宁波鄞州区宁波市鄞州区姜山镇奉先桥村,老板是史灵虎。 主要经营单向器、铜材锻件、异形齿轮、钢铁锻件、CNC加工件。 单位注册资金单位注册资金。 我公司工程技术人员多名,技术力量强大,具有多年的生产经验,工艺水平**,产品质量严格把关。